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Thursday, November 09, 2006

communist jars.

We have a very small kitchen. Counter space is prime real-estate. The main congestion happens when it is time to make dinner and the dishes have not finished drip-drying, and because of the fact that Patryk never puts anything away. He often ruins a bag of sugar by throwing the paper bag on the wet counter, making a soggy, papery, sugary mess.

We also have several empty jars from various used products. I see a very simple solution here. Wet bag vs. glass jar. I purpose removing the sugar from said wet bag, and placing it inside said dry glass jar. Patryk does not like my solution. He does not want sugar in jars. Jars are communist.


Jars are communist things. During communism they put everything in jars, and putting the sugar in a jar reminds me of communism.

So you would rather use capitalist wet bags?



Now, those of you who are loyal readers will remember well my blog entitled “one lump or two?” where Patryk describes his coffee habits as a backlash of an over oppressive post-communist society. But this time I am not buying it. Sure, communism sucked I will admit that, and since I was raised in the land of capitalist pigs I do not have the same horrifying associations with Marxist storage containers that he does. But it’s a fuckin jar of sugar. And if he was so attached to his capitalist wet bags with bright colored packaging reminding him that there were several sugar purchasing options only limited by what he could afford with money he earned in a free market, then by god he could have cleaned up his own wet-sugar-bag mess. Our sugar, will be jarred.


At 3:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh how I miss you and Patryk! Is the whole leaving part of a banana on the counter part of the post-communism thing too?


At 1:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i agree... to whatever you said about jars.

polish people do put everything in jars. you'd think that tupperwear and plastic containers got to them but no...

so my bf (in the polish program of my school) went home to bydgoszcz last weekend and came back to poznan with heaps of his mommy's homemade yumyums. EVERYTHING (except some yummy cake) was in jars. i raised an eyebrow as i opened his fridge and there were jars and jars of food. OMG

anywho. how u been?

At 8:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Patryk should become a real capitalist and buy a brand new, fancy pants container for not only the sugar, but also the flour.


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