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Friday, November 17, 2006

My father and subtlety. This town aint big enough….

My father is very good at what he does. He talks for a living. His job is to make others see his view of the truth is blatantly obvious as the only possible truth. The only problem with this is that he has apparently lost the ability to make his case anything other than blatantly obvious.
Case in point: before moving to another country for an undetermined period of time, my father gave me a collection of books. Three in all. He told me that it was very important that I read them, for they were wonderful novels and every young lad should read them when he comes to this period in life. The unemployed college graduate point in life? The sponge on society point in life? I didn’t ask. But the message was soon clear enough.

I have read two of the three so far, and both of the plots consisted of a young man leaving his family for another county, and upon returning home finds all the ones he loved have died in his absence. In both, the young man has completely missed the opportunity to be with the ones in life who are truly important to him, and he ends up being lost in the world, a foreigner to all he encounters, and bitterly alone.

Gee. Is there something you would like me to divine from these? I love you Dad, but I think I might skip the last one.


At 6:14 AM, Blogger adam said...

i dont think i have ever heard my father use the word weirdo before.

At 10:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ppppffft. It was over 2 years ago and you still expect a flipping direct quote?

At 4:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

heya dude. dont worry. my dad did something similar to which your dad did when i decided to take a year off after highschool and before medschool to live with my bf and work... LOL
oh dads...! how we love 'em


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